WW2 Pistol, textured in Substance Painter. Not quite finished. Just a few little additions needed. Almost there.
Japanese WW2 Pistol WIP /
Cyber Female Retopology /
Prosthetic Arm Development /
Cyber Female Character Project Progress 2 /
Further development of the leather jacket.
Cyber Female Character Project Progress /
Early stage creation of clothes using Marvelous Designer. I have the basic shapes and ideas down. Now for further development.
Cyber Female Character Project /
Here are a few screen grabs from my current personal project. I’m working on improving my character work.
Old Smoke /
An old Smoke test I did in Cinema 4D using Turbulence FD.
Experimenting With PBR Materials /
Using Substance Painter to do texturing for my upcoming film. I'm liking some of these results. The gold is really interesting and offers a little surrealism which is more of the direction that I am headed in. Though I will continue experimenting and will post a comp of a scene with the selected materials at a later date.
Stay Tuned /
Zbrush Sketch. WIP for my Egytian sacrificial temple.
More Coming Soon...